
Join a growing, highly qualified data analyst and geospatial expert team in building India consumer data solutions such as market segmentation, consumer profiling for various Retail Industries, such as BSFI, FMCG, Retail, Automobile, etc. 

GIS - ANALYST (Jun. / Sen.)

The Data Analyst will be working on the inhouse geospatial consumer data-base, its development and enhancement. This includes working on Spatial Databases, utilising business insight as well as technical and data processing knowledge.


Required skills: 

  • Strong analytical and technical capabilities and aptitude
  • Good Knowledge of GIS and ability to analyse, interpret and present geospatial data to meet client requirements.
  • Strong experience / understanding in complex database objects like Tables, Views, Constraints, Stored Procedures, Functions as used SQL and PL/SQL.
  • Preferably having knowledge of PostgreSQL
  • Good knowledge on logical Data Modelling using normalizing Techniques
  • Advanced knowledge in Excel (Pivot, Lookup, Sorting)
  • The ability to analyse, model and interpret data
  • The ability to plan work and meet deadlines
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Working efficiently in coordination with the team

send your application to

Mention in subject line: Application - GIS

PYTHON DEVELOPER (Core Python Development)

Participating in the MMS.IND product development will provide valuable insights into today’s market segmentation approaches, customer segmentation micro-marketing tools and systems, consumer profiling. 


Required Skills - must have experience in:

  • Use of libraries Pandas, Numpy
  • Multiprocessing / Multithreading
  • Regex
  • Optimize code using appropriate functions
  • Knowledge of web framework
  • The ability to plan work and meet deadlines
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Web Scraping (Using Requests and Selenium) and Web Data extraction
  • Working efficiently in coordination with the team

Please note that we are not looking for Python Front End Developers.


Good to have:

Cloud technologies - AWS - Lambda, EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), S3 (Simple Storage Service), IAM (Identity and Access Management)

send your application to:

Mention in subject line: Application - Data