
Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, Consumer Segmentation, consumer potential, income segmentation India, lifestyle Affinity Segmentation India, Product Purchase Behaviour Segmentation India

Consumer Segmentation - Market Segmentation

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, Consumer Segmentation India, Income Profiling, Lifestyle Affinity Profiling, Product Purchase Affinities

Age Group: 25-30, Gender: Male

Education: Graduate

Profession: IT, Salaried

Income: 10-12 lakh per annum

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, Consumer Segmentation India, Income Profiling, Lifestyle Affinity Profiling, Product Purchase Affinities

Age Group: 25-30, Gender: Female

Education: Graduate

Family Status: Married

Part time job (Salaried)

Are these really homogeneous target audiences?

Even among same income, age group and professional background, they are different consumers with different purchase behaviour

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND India, Consumer Segmentation India, Income Profiling, Lifestyle Affinity Profiling, Product Purchase Affinities, Geospatial Analysis India, Micro market segmentation India, family profiling india,


People are different - two consumers at the same age, with the same income and professional background, will make different decisions on products to buy and services to avail.


Who will drive for the same price the second-hand luxury brand automobile rather than a brand new middle-class sedan?


Who will buy higher priced clothing items fewer times, because they last long rather than purchasing many, cheaper and trendy items?


Who will go for a 'less risky' Fixed Deposit investment than be inclined to sail with higher returns on waves of (calculated) market risks? 


Consumer Lifestyle Affinity (or psychographic segmentation) decodes the psychological aspects influencing consumer purchase behaviour such as attitudes towards expenditures, products and services that a person values to spend money for, the opinions and perception of brands and different types of products.


A brand positioning or campaign that excites the second group might completely bore the first group – and the other way around. If you really want to influence people, you need to know what drives them.


MMS.IND uses data experiences of more than 80 different collection touch-points - transaction-based data, household survey, and qualitative market research data in AI-driven calculations to cluster people by similar product/brand purchase behaviour into 12 major lifestyle classes. Here the summary, high-level description for two groups:

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND India , Lifestyle Affinity Class 'Established Elite', Upper Class India, Consumer Segmentation India, Income Profiling, Lifestyle Affinity Profiling, Product Purchase Affinities, Micro market segmentation India, family profiling india,


“The world is our playground”

Wealthy, educated families. Attended (inter)national leading educational institutes. Accustomed to international luxury and quality standards.

Global mind-set.

Sophisticated orientations in style and taste. 

Self-confident. Individual, liberal attitudes. Financially secure.

Highly brand conscious. Shop for status, not for price.

Memberships in selected Private Clubs. Outdoor dining, exquisite restaurants. 

Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, Lifestyle Affinity Segment 'Conservative Urban Middle Class', Middle Class India, Consumer Segmentation India, Income Profiling, Lifestyle Affinity Profiling, Product Purchase Affinities, Micro market segmentation India, family profiling india,



“Don’t take risks and cherish what you have”

Focusing on safeguarding their achievements.

Seeking a pleasant and sheltered life without risks and extremes. Eager on social relations with their community and neighbourhood society. Celebrating festivals with great enthusiasm. Predominantly mainstream Indian college education. Typically upper-class salaried jobs. Critically comparing prices and services.

National brands and values meet their spending consciousness. 

KARMA - Enhancement of INDIVIDUALS by consumer profile

Karma is explained in different ways: Karma is the law of cause and effect. Karma is action, whether physical or mental, and each action has a consequence. Karma in simple words "is getting what you give" or reaping what you sow. 


Knowing a consumer’s spend capacities, orientations and product preferences, supports sales managers to gain a better understanding of his / her expectations, what best to offer. 


We have called our consumer profiling service 'Karma' for the reason that actions to understand your customers and prospects better will in return increase their loyalty, and result in more connected customers being satisfied with your products and services.


The MMS.IND Master Universe of Indian Consumer database contains high-precision socio-economic and lifestyle profiles of Indian consumers: Monthly income, psychographic segmentation and additional consumer propensities in more than 18 spend categories: Automobile // Insurance & Investment // Loans (Personal, Home, Automobile) // Consumer Goods // Health Insurance // Home Interior // Personal accessories // White Goods & Brown Goods // Electronic Consumer Goods // Real Estate // Apparel // Food // Travel and more.



Example of individual consumer-level enrichment

Geomarketeer, Market Data India, Micro-market Segmentation India, Geomarketeer, Location Analysis Solutions India, Geospatial Solutions India,

geomarketeer - the Consumer data market dialog platform

What is Geomarketeer?

Geomarketeer is a granular market segmentation analysis tool. It supports companies in India with geo-location based intelligence, using micro-market focused data and tools to sustainably grow their business. By delivering this information on Software as a Service (Saas) platform, Geomarketeer allows organisations of any size to quickly get started with market research and data backed insights. 


By subscribing to the platform, marketeers can sit in the office and understand every nook and corner of the country:

Geomarketeer, Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, Market Data India, Micro-market Segmentation India Online Market Data Platform, Location Analysis Solutions India, Geospatial Solutions India,
  • Visualise, analyse and understand relationships on micro-segmented geographies by market potential and profile of your customers in them
  • Experience patterns and trends in India consumers and their geographical relation.
  • Easy-to-use Online System
  • Subscription to geographies you need
  • 'Private Room' - Users create their own private access login: No third party involved for analytics, or having access to user‘s data space
  • Data queries in real time
  • Uploading Data: Analytics networking company own and external market data. 
  • Generate location reports
Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND; Geomarkeeer, Geospatial Analysis India, Micro-market Segmentation India, Consumer Profiling India, Market Potential India, Location Analysis India,
Make your own consumer potential maps, combining your preferred customer income – lifestyle – expenditure criteria.
Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND, Geomarketeer, Spend Housing, Spend FMCG, Spend Online, Consumer Financial Savings India, Geospatial Analysis, Micro-market Segmentation India, Consumer Profiling India, Consumer Expenditure Behaviour India, Product Purchase Affinities India
Visualise different consumer profile information layers: Income, Lifestyle, Monthly Spend in Expenditure Classes such as Housing, Financial Savings, FMCG & Food and Grocery, Apparel, Transportation, Education, Healthcare & Medical, etc.
Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND; Geospatial Analysis India, Micro-market Segmentation India, Consumer Profiling India, Market Potential India, Location Analysis India, Consumer Expenditure Behaviour India, Consumer Product Purchase Affinities India , Demographic Profile India,
Micro-market precise understanding of population demographic profile, age and gender.
Lsi Micro Marketing Services India, MMS.IND; Geospatial Analysis India, Micro-market Segmentation India, Consumer Profiling India, Market Potential India, Location Analysis India, Consumer Expenditure Behaviour India, Consumer Product Purchase Affinities India , Customer Mapping India
Map your own customers onto the micro-market consumer potential maps, identify your market penetration and if you are addressing the 'right' local markets, value of customers achieved set against market potential, from which areas you get highest risks.